

To remain eligible for financial aid at 雪的大学, a student must make reasonable 取得学位或证书的学业进展.  令人满意的学业进展 是教育部的一项要求,并由若干因素衡量.



学生必须保持平均绩点(G).P.A.) of 2.00 (C)或更高 有资格获得援助.  在每学期结束时,财政援助办公室将进行评估 通过看成绩来衡量学生的进步. 成绩出来后,我们会写一份报告 所有学生.  这样做是为了监督那些没有财务负担的学生 但将来可能有资格获得经济援助.  如果在 任何 一个学生的学期.P.A. 小于2.C)他们将被留用察看.  学生在被停学前将有一学期的试用期.  (If 有一个学期,学生的累计成绩为G.P.A. 低于1.00 (D)财务 Aid Office reserves the right to suspend the student without a probationary period.).

At the end of two years a student should have the cumulative 平均绩点 consistent 符合学院的毕业要求.  这个要求是" C "或2.00 平均绩点. 平均成绩未达到要求的“C”的学生将被复查 具体情况具体分析 to determine if graduation is possible and if financial aid 资格应继续.

There is the possibility that some students may be in有资格获得援助, based on academic 进步,甚至在他们申请之前. (我们将查看完整的注册历史 establish eligibility regardless if the student has applied for financial aid in the 过去的.  财政援助资金没有学术特赦.)

通过/失败类:  及格分数将被记为2分.00 (C) GPA(平均成绩).


Students may repeat classes to improve their 年级s; however, the class will count on their quantitative measure of satisfactory progress as well as count towards their 最大时间范围.

金融援助 will only pay for a repeated class twice if the class received a passing 年级.

(Exceptions to the qualitative measure policy will be reviewed based on an appeals 在专业判断的保护下进行的过程.  有合法申诉的学生 是否可以根据具体情况给予例外.)

恢复:  如果是学生 is suspended for failure to meet the Qualitative Measure of SAP at 学生必须将累积平均绩点提高到最低2分.00 / C 恢复.



学生应该在他们尝试的课程中获得学分. 如果是学生 未能通过所修课程的学生将被留校察看.  A student has one probationary periods to earn 学分 that they have been funded for. The 财政援助办事处 will evaluate their earned credit hours to determine if they 是否仍应继续获得资助. 评估将以最低完成度为基础 每个注册期的70%.

通过一门D级或以上的课程才能获得学分. 如果学生不及格 a class, withdraws from a class, is unofficially withdrawn from a class, or is given 一门不完整的课程,将不能获得学分.

(For the quantitative measure the following 年级s are considered unearned 学分: UW unofficial withdrawal, W official withdrawal, I in完整的 年级, F failing 年级.) (In the case of an in完整的, for financial aid purposes, classes must be 完整的d 在学期中,这笔钱被发放.)

全日制学生必须完成 超过一半 他们在任何学期尝试过的学分.  少于全日制学生必须 完整的 一半 他们在任何学期尝试过的学分.  如果不这样做,你可能会有结果 在没有试用期的情况下被停职.  如果在任何学期注册 a student does not meet the Quantitative Measurement/Pace the student may be suspended 从援助,即使他们目前可能不符合条件.

(Exceptions to the quantitative measures policy will be reviewed based on an appeals 在专业判断的保护下进行的过程.  有合法申诉的学生 是否可以根据具体情况给予例外.)

Should a student who has received federal funds choose to withdraw from school during 一个学期的课程 联邦政府偿还第四章基金 calculation will be made and the withdrawing student may be required to repay a portion 将收到的联邦援助的一部分返还给教育部.

恢复:  如果是学生 is suspended for failure to meet the Qualitative Measure of SAP at student must raise his earned credit hours to a 70 percent completion rate to 恢复.


学生只能在有限的时间内获得经济援助.  申请金融资助的资格 aid is terminated after a student has attended six (6) full-time semesters or earned 95学时.  联邦法律禁止拨款超过150%的时间 它“通常”需要完成副学士学位.  “正常”的时间框架 完整的 an Associate 学位 at 雪的大学 is two years, four (4) semesters, or 63学时.

Students fluctuating from one status to another, full-time, three-quarter time, 一半-time, 是按年平均计算吗.


Some student may be required to take remedial coursework to meet the minimum requirements 为毕业.  这些补习课程被计算在150% / 95%的尝试数中 小时为最大时间框架.


Those changing majors or 程序s may seek additional time to 完整的 required coursework.  PG电子官方免费下载针对这些情况制定了一些规定.

由于PG电子官方免费下载是一所两年制的转学学校,大部分课程都是通识教育 课程或选修课程. 选修课通常是某一专业的先决条件 重点或专业. 因此,如果一个学生从最初的学习计划改变 进入一个新的学习项目,新项目的最高允许学分将 根据具体情况重新评估. 根据学生的必修课程, a new time frame may be established based on the core classes required under the new 程序.  新课程的最长时间不应超过学分的150% 新项目需要. 这将允许一些课程的重复,以满足成绩 转学项目要求.

例子: Charles is a Pre- Engineering student and has been attending 雪的大学 for 5 semesters.  Charles has 完整的d 16 credit hours each semester and has enrolled in a mix of GE and Elective courses each of those semesters, most of his electives have been in the 前期核心. 查尔斯已经决定他想从商,而且他会 我想获得商科副学士学位.  因为查尔斯从来没有 在商业领域的任何选修课,他都需要参加核心课程.  自 查尔斯有80个学时,他几乎用完了他的最大学时.  查尔斯现在 必须完成35个学分的商业核心课程才能获得学位.  我们会给予 Charles up to 44 more credit hours to 完整的 his coursework, or a total of 124 credit PG电子官方免费下载学时.

请注意, 改变s in Pell Grant legislation only allows an individual 12 full time semesters 联邦佩尔助学金. 一旦他们获得了最高补助金,他们将不再 无论你是否获得学位,都有资格获得佩尔奖学金.

(All credit earned toward your degree will be counted including concurrent enrollment 高中时取得的学分.)

(Exceptions to the policy will be reviewed based on an appeals process under the umbrella 职业判断.  有合法申诉的学生可以例外 具体情况具体分析.)

PG电子官方免费下载有以下内容 副学士学位课程:

  • 应用科学副学士
  • 理商副学士
  • 文学副学士
  • 理学副学士
  • 工程预科副学士

A student at 雪的大学 wishing to obtain an additional 理学副学士 学位 仅限于上述列出的学位.  一旦学生在PG电子官方免费下载获得学位 it would be in their best interest to look at a major 改变 as opposed to a degree 改变.  除了核心课程外,学位没有明显的变化, for a 改变 in a degree we would recommend adding courses to the degree already earned 并将逐案审查这一请求.


The 程序 length will be calculated based on pre-requisites and core classes required 申请护理实践证书. 有些课程可能已经通过 之前的考勤.  希望完成注册护理课程的学生 可能需要选修化学、病理生理学和更严格的数学. 它是 recommended by four year transfer schools that they finish an 理学副学士 学位. 这些额外的课程将根据具体情况进行审查.  核心类 are 33 学分 hours, pre-requisites are 33-34 credit hours depending on where a student 得C.N.A. 许可.

PG电子官方免费下载有以下内容 学士学位课程:

  • 商业音乐学士
  • 计算机工程学士

Students participating in the Bachelor 程序s will be give 190 credit hours until 他们达到了他们的最大时间框架.  任何添加或修改都需要一个 向PG电子官方免费下载财政援助办公室申请.


Students may transfer to 雪的大学 wanting to receive a degree or other eligible 凭证. 转学的学生将根据具体情况进行审查,就像这里一样 are residential requirements to get a degree, usually 20 credit hours of 雪的大学 学分.  财政援助将根据学生的成绩审查学生的最长时间框架 度计划.


自 雪的大学’s primary objective is to provide Associate 学位 and Certificate 项目中,我们很少会允许第二学位的追求.  一个例外 到此政策是允许已获得结业证书的学生 and/or an 应用科学副学士 to pursue an 理学副学士 or Art degree 在其他学科中.  拥有副学士学位的学生可以继续 学士学位(如果被录取).


Student have the right to appeal when they do not meet 任何 of the Satisfactory Academic 进步的组件. 当一个学生因为没有达到定性标准而被停学时 Standard/Grades, the Quantitative Standard/Pace, or the Maximum Time frame they can 请求恢复他们的援助. 上诉应该具有合法性,这是一种不同寻常的东西 circumstance, something beyond a student’s control, something that prevented a student 从满足满意进展的一个或所有要求.

A student can fill out the appeal form, attach all supporting 文档 and return it to the financial aid window or mail it to the 雪的大学 财政援助办事处.

If an appeal is approve a student will be notified of 任何 responsibilities that student 要做什么才能继续他们的财政援助资金.
